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Anthony Elliott Baker  is an installation artist working predominantly with sculptural materials and digital media. Through this means of working, psychological phenomena and bodily experience are transmuted into visual language. Informed by a retrospective perception of subject-oriented post-minimalism, Baker explores the complexities of separating the self as artist and subject through distanced and disengaged processes. Baker considers the art experience to have the potential for self-reflexivity and auto-didacticism, advocating art's economy as a form of empowering pedagogy. Baker installation practice teeters between interaction and sensorimotor participation, and Interpassivity.

Baker's PhD, Self Fragmentation via the Art Experience: Integrating Dissociative Phenomena into Self-Portraiture, connected these themes discovered through practise to psychological and psychoanalytic theories, Literary Trauma theory and to Romantic Irony. however, whether it is manifested in the construction of a tensegrity structure assigned to be played musically by the public, sonic feedback loops made by analogue electronic circuits, digital audio/visual new-media feedback loops, or simple repetitive physical art processes, there is a latent concept of compression and tension inherent in much of Baker's work. 

​MetroArts - Cross Dissolve


SWELL Festival

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